Send Richard a voice mail message

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Introduction to Jing as a web-based screen capture or screen shot tool

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will discuss how Jing can facilitate communication among teachers, students, parents, staff and the Jewish community around the globe  as a screen capture or screen shot web-based tool.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or Ipads as well.

Note: Although Jing can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: Jing can also be used in a face to face classroom. .

Where is  Jing located on the web?

Jing as a web-based screen capture or screen shot tool

In a previous post we described Jing as a screen recording tool. Click here to link to that post. In today’s post we will demonstrate how Jing can also function as a web-based screen capture or screen shot tool.

Helpful tutorials on how to create screen captures or screen shots by using Jing

Click on the links below and find tutorials on how to create screen captures or screen shots by using Jing.

For what educational purposes can a Jing screen capture or screen shot serve?

  • Provides a visual display of some content or concept
  • Can serve as an anticipatory set for a lesson or training event
  • Serves as an assessment measure for learning
  • Provides a summary or closure for a lesson or training event
  • Provides a review of a lesson or training event that a student or teacher had missed
  • Demonstrates the evolution of the knowledge mastery or skills acquisition that a student or teacher has  learned over a period of time
  • Serves as visual prompt for an in class or online conversation
  • Can serve as a stimulus for reflection
  • Empowers students and teachers to make their own web camera presentations
  • Serves as a communication channel to answer student and collegial questions
  • Serves as a method to retrieve artifacts or products created by students and teachers
  • Serves as a repository of student or teacher created artifacts for an e-portfolio

In the next post we will share examples of how I have used Jing for Judaic instruction and teacher training.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is a screen capture or screenshot?

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will define, explain and give the rationale for a screen capture or screen shot.

What is a screen capture of screen shot?

This is the definition of a screen caopture or screen shot according to Wikipedia
A screenshot (or screen shot), screen capture (or screencap), screen dump, screengrab (or screen grab), or print screen is an image taken by the computer to record the visible items displayed on the monitor, television, or another visual output device. Usually this is a digital image taken by the host operating system or software running on the computer, but it can also be a capture made by a camera or a device intercepting the video output of the display (such as a DVR).
Screenshots can be used to demonstrate a program, a particular problem a user might be having or generally when display output needs to be shown to others or archived.
For what educational purposes can a screen capture or screen shot serve?

  • Provides a visual display of some content or concept
  • Can serve as an anticipatory set for a lesson or training event
  • Serves as an assessment measure for learning
  • Provides a summary or closure for a lesson or training event
  • Provides a review of a lesson or training event that a student or teacher had missed
  • Demonstrates the evolution of the knowledge or skills that a student or teacher has  mastered
  • Serves as visual prompt for an in class or online conversation
  • Can serve as a stimulus for reflection
  • Empowers students and teachers to make their own web camera presentations
  • Serves as a communication channel to answer student and collegial questions
  • Serves as a method to retrieve artifacts or products created by students and teachers
Click on the links below and explore how screen captures can be used for both instruction and teacher training

On the next post we will discuss the first of several  web-based screen capture tools, Jing.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Additional web camera recording tools

In previous blog posts we shared how Quick Time Player, Mailvu, Facebook, Edusharer and YouTube can be used for web camera recording.

In this post  we will be sharing additional web camera recording tools.

Click on the links below and learn how to make web camera recordings of yourself by using iMovie on your Mac computer:

Click on the links below and learn how to make web camera recordings of yourself on a PC by using Movie Maker:

Click on the links below and find additional web-based tools for web camera recording:

On the next post we will discuss how to capture pictures and images on your computer screen. Pictures or images that you capture on your computer screen are called screen captures or screen shots.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Introduction to YouTube as a web camera recording tool

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will begin our discussion on how YouTube can facilitate communication among teachers, students, parents, staff and the Jewish community around the globe via web recording.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or Ipads as well.

Note: Although YouTube can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: YouTube can also be used in a face to face classroom without adding the online component.

Where is  YouTube  located on the web?

What is a web camera recording? (my script for the You Tube web camera recording)

Shalom Chevre:

This is Richard Solomon and this is a demonstration showing how You Tube can be used as a web camera recording tool.

First let’s define a web camera recording

A web camera recording is a visual and auditory recording of oneself speaking to the camera on a computer or some other video recording device. Sometimes a picture or video conveys meaning better than words. Consequently, let me demonstrate what a web camera recording looks and sounds  like.

Now a web camera recording is different from a screen recording or screen cast because with the web cam recording I am recording myself speaking to the camera, and not  showing that which is on my computer screen (which is the script I am reading right now). In other words, if I were to do a screen recording you would not see me, instead you would see my computer screen displaying that which is on it  like a website, a student assignment, or a procedure for using a web tool. However, with a screen recording you might also hear my voice explaining what you see on my computer screen. With a web camera recording you only see me talking to you as I am doing right now. 

For what educational purposes can a web camera recording serve?
  • Provides a visual and auditory explanation of some content or concept
  • Provides an introduction to a lesson or training event
  • Serves as an anticipatory set for a lesson
  • Serves as a prompt for an in class or online conversation
  • Provides a review of a lesson or training event that a student or teacher had missed
  • Provides a summary or closure for a lesson or training event
  • Serve as a stimulus for reflection
  • Empowers students and teachers to make their own web camera presentations to demonstrate learning
  • Serves as a communication channel to answer student and collegial questions

This is my demonstration on how YouTube can serve as a web camera recording tool for Judaic instruction and teacher training.


Note: The script located above was the one  I used for the web camera recording placed on YouTube.

Below you will find the YouTube web camera recording that I made.

To find  tutorials on how to use YouTube for web camera recordings click on the links below:

On the next post we will share a listing of additional web camera recording tools.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Introduction to Facebook as a web camera recording tool

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will discuss how Facebook can facilitate communication among teachers, students, parents, staff and the Jewish community around the globe through web camera recording.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or an Ipad as well.

Note: Although Facebook can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: Facebook can also be used in a face to face classroom.

Where is  Facebook  located on the web?

Facebook for web camera recording

In a previous post we described Facebook as a multi-dimensional web-based application to facilitate communication among students, staff and the community. Click here to link to that post. In today’s post we will demonstrate how Facebook can also function as a web camera recording tool.

What is a web camera recording?

A web camera recording is a visual and auditory recording of oneself speaking to the camera on a computer or some other video recording device. Sometimes a picture or video conveys meaning better than words. Consequently, let me demonstrate what a web camera recording looks and sounds  like.

Now a web camera recording is different from a screen recording or screen cast because with the web cam recording I am recording myself speaking to the camera, and not  showing that which is on my computer screen. In other words if I were to do a screen recording you would not see me, instead you would see my computer screen displaying that which is on my screen like a website, a student assignment, or a procedure for using a web tool. However, I might be talking trying to explain what you see on my computer screen. With a web camera recording you only see me talking to you as I am doing right now. Hence, this is a demonstration of my doing a web camera recording using Facebook.


Note: The script located above was the one  I used for the web camera recording placed on my Facebook page.

Where is the location of the Facebook icon for making a web camera recording?

Click here and see the location of the icon for web camera recording on Facebook. 

Now if you have the time, and the inclination, log into on my Facebook page and see my demonstration of how Facebook can be used for web camera recording. 

Click on the links below and find tutorials on how to use the web camera recording tool on Facebook

On the next post we will discuss how You Tube can be used as web camera recording tool.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Introduction to Edusharer as a web camera recording tool

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will discuss how Edusharer can facilitate communication among teachers, students, parents, staff and the Jewish community around the globe through web camera recordings.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or Ipads as well.

Note: Although Edusharer can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: Edusharer can also be used in a face to face classroom.

Where is  Edusharer  located on the web?

What is a web camera recording? (my script for the Edusharer web camera recording)

Shalom Chevre:

This is Richard Solomon and this is a demonstration showing how Edusharer can be used as a web camera recording tool.

First let’s define a web camera recording

A web camera recording is a visual and auditory recording of oneself speaking to the camera on a computer or some other video recording device. Sometimes a picture or video conveys meaning better than words. Consequently, let me demonstrate what a web camera recording looks and sounds  like.

Now a web camera recording is different from a screen recording or screen cast because with the web cam recording I am recording myself speaking to the camera, and not  showing that which is on my computer screen. In other words if I were to do a screen recording you would not see me, instead you would see my computer screen displaying that which is on my screen like a website, a student assignment, or a procedure for using a web tool. However, with a screen recording you might hear my voice explaining what you see on my computer screen. With a web camera recording you only see me talking to you as I am doing right now.

For what educational purposes can a web camera recording serve?

  • Provides a visual and auditory explanation of some content or concept
  • Provides an introduction to a lesson or training event
  • Serves as an anticipatory set for a lesson
  • Serves as a prompt for an in class or online conversation
  • Provides a review of a lesson or training event that a student or teacher had missed
  • Provides a summary or closure for a lesson or training event
  • Serves as a stimulus for reflection
  • Empowers students and teachers to make their own web camera presentations
  • Serves as a communication channel to answer student and collegial questions

This is my demonstration on how Edusharer can serve as a webcamera recording tool for Judaic instruction and teacher training.


Note: The script above was the one  I used for the web camera recording placed on Edusharer.

Click here to see and hear this web camera recording on Edusharer.

On the next post we will discuss Facebook as a web camera recording tool. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Introduction to Mailvu as a web camera recording tool

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will discuss how Mailvu can facilitate communication among teachers, students, parents, staff and the Jewish community around the globe through web camera recording.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or Ipads as well.

Note: Although Mailvu can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: Mailvu can also be used in a face to face classroom. 

Where is  Mailvu  located on the web?

What is a web camera recording? (my script for the Mailvu web camera recording)

Shalom Chevre

This is Richard Solomon and this is a demonstration showing how Mailvu can be used as a web camera recording tool.

First let’s define a web camera recording

A web camera recording is a visual and auditory recording of oneself speaking to the camera on a computer or some other video recording device. Sometimes a picture or video conveys meaning better than words. Consequently, let me demonstrate what a web camera recording looks and sounds  like.

Now a web camera recording is different from a screen recording or screen cast because with the web cam recording I am recording myself speaking to the camera, and not  showing that which is on my computer screen. In other words if I were to do a screen recording you would not see me, instead you would see my computer screen displaying that which is on my screen like a website, a student assignment, or a procedure for using a web tool. However, with a screen recording you might hear my voice explaining what you see on my computer screen. With a web camera recording you only see me talking to you as I am doing right now.

For what educational purposes can a web camera recording serve?

       Provides a visual and auditory explanation of some content or concept

Provides an introduction to a lesson or training event

Serves as an anticipatory set for a lesson

Serves as a prompt for an in class or online conversation

Provides a review of a lesson or training event that a student or teacher had missed
       Provides a summary or closure for a lesson or training event

Serves as a stimulus for reflection

Empowers students and teachers to make their own web camera 

This is my demonstration on how Mailvu can serve as a webcamera recording tool for Judaic instruction and teacher training.


Note: The script above was the one  I used for the web camera recording placed Mailvu.

Click here to see and hear this web camera recording on Mailvu.

If you are not able to link on to the Mailvu webcamera recording, I have made a screen recording of it, and it appears below.

Embed code:

On the next post we will share another web camera recording tool, Edusharer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sample Quick Time Player web camera recordings that I have made that can be used for Judaic instruction or for the mentoring/training of pre-service and in-service Judaic educators

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will continue our discussion on how  students in a Judaic Studies blended learning classroom can use Quick Time Player to enhance learning.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or Ipads as well.

Note: Although Quick Time Player can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: Quick Time Player can also be used in a face to face classroom.

Click on the links below and find sample Quick Time Player (QTP) web camera recordings that I have made. These sample QTP web recordings can be used for Judaic instruction or the mentoring/training or pre-service and in-service Judaic  educators:

Note: The following videos uploaded onto Vimeo, a video hosting website, were created by using the Quick Time Player  web camera recording tool.

On the next post we will share how Mailvu can be used as a web camera recording tool.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Quick Time Player web camera recordings that can be used for instruction and teacher training

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (i.e. online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will continue our discussion on how  students in a Judaic Studies blended learning classroom can use Quick Time Player to enhance learning.

Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers or Ipads as well.

Note: Although Quick Time Player can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, it can be also be used for training pre-service and in-service Jewish educators for professional or staff development. It is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators. For example, here is a CoP you might want to join. 

Note: Quick Time Player can also be used in a face to face classroom.

Click on the links below and see how Quick Time Player can be used to promote instruction and teacher training

Quick Time Player and instruction:

On the next post we will share several Quick Time Player (QTP) web camera recordings that I have made. These QTP web camera recordings can be used for Judaic instruction or the mentoring/training of pre-service and in-service Judaic educators.

Send Voicemail