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Monday, November 15, 2010

A tutorial I made on how to use Audacity to create an audio file or podcast

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices, and demonstrate how these best practices can be applied in the real (i.e. physical) and virtual (online) classroom for both teaching and teacher training. The combination of face to face instruction in a physical setting and online learning is called blended learning. In this section of the blog we will describe how the internet can serve as a supplemental resource for instruction and the mentoring of pre-service and in-service Jewish educators. In this post we will continue our discussion on how  Audacity, a web-based audio or podcasting tool can be applied in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom, and the mentoring and staff development of Judaic educators.
Assumption: The teacher or mentor teacher has a interactive white board (i.e. SMART Board, Promethean, etc.), a Tablet PC (also called a Slate or Blade), a computer presenter or computer with internet access attached to an LCD projector in the classroom. It would be ideal if students or mentees had access to their own laptop computers as well.
NoteIt is our hope that Jewish educators around the globe will form an online community of practice, a CoP, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession, to enhance the delivery of instruction and training of Jewish educators.
Note: Audacity can also be used as a face to face classroom learning activity without adding the online component.
Click here to see a tutorial I created on how to use Audacity to make an audio file or podcast.
Click here to listen to  my podcast.
On the next post we will share how podcasts can be used in the Judaic Studies blended learning classroom.

1 comment:

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Richard D. Solomon's Blog on Mentoring Jewish Students and Teachers