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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Title of the Lesson: Can Students Generate Essential Questions that Relate to Jewish Knowledge that is Enduring? Part Four

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices. This is one of many lessons we will be sharing on teaching Judaic content, lesson planning, models of teaching, differentiated and individualized instruction and learning activities designed to transform the classroom into a Jewish community of cooperative learners. The title of this lesson is “Can Students Generate Essential Questions that Relate to Jewish Knowledge that is Enduring? “ Since there are 13 elements in each lesson plan we will divide this lesson plan into four parts. Here are the first, second and third parts of this lesson on empowering students to generate questions relating to enduring Jewish knowledge. The fourth part of this lesson follows:

Anticipatory Set: (Motivation activity that prepares students for the objective/ learning outcome)

Suggested Motivational Statement:

The teacher asks these two questions: (1) What is the source or what are the sources for enduring Jewish knowledge? (2) Can enduring Jewish knowledge arise from the questions of students?

Introductory Activity: (Initial exercise to focus on the objective/learning outcome)

Invite your students to reflect and record their thoughts on these two questions: (1) What is the source or what are the sources for enduring Jewish knowledge? (2) Can enduring Jewish knowledge arise from the questions of students?

Developmental Activity: (Set of procedures or steps to reach the objective/learning outcome)

1. After students have individually recorded their responses to these two questions, place them in dyads, and invite them to discuss their thoughts.

2. Then explain and demonstrate how to make a concept web on the question: What is the Torah? See the concept maps on the Torah by clicking here and here.

Guided Practice: (Students apply new skill/s or strengthen previously learned skills during classroom instruction.)

1. When satisfied that your students understand how to create an individual web or concept map, invite them to make an individual concept web on this question: What would you like to know about Israel?

2. Place your students in dyads and invite them to create a paired concept web on the question; what would you like to know about Israel? Give your students a specific amount to time to complete their paired concept webs.

3. If desired, you can have dyads exchange their concept webs with another dyad. Invite each dyad to add to the concept web that they had received.

4. Post concept webs on the chalkboard or around the classroom and discuss these questions:

  • Are there any common themes to the questions or statements written on the concept webs?
  • Are there any questions posed on the concept webs that are essential or enduring questions? Essential or enduring questions are the fundamental inquiries that help us determine what is enduring Jewish knowledge. For example, here is an example of an essential or enduring question: Why is Israel so important to the Jewish people?
  • Are there any statements written on the concept webs that are examples of enduring Jewish knowledge?

Independent Activities: (Students practice new skill/s or strengthen previously learned skills outside of the class.)

1. Students can create their own concept webs on any Judaic subject.

2. Students should come to class prepared to share their new concept webs.

Closure: (Activity that summarizes and ends the lesson)

Summarize the questions and statements created by your students on their concept maps. Emphasize that one source for enduring Jewish knowledge can arise from the questions that students pose.

On the next post we will share a lesson entitled, “Where Do I Find Enduring Jewish Knowledge?

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