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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vision for the Jewish Future in Education and Teacher Training


Recently Wendy Light, Nellie Deutsch, Dale Eberwein and I collaborated on a project for the Jewish Futures Conference and created this four minute video powerpoint. Click here to see and hear our vision for the future of Jewish Education for both teaching and teacher training.

There is no question that we could not have created this professionally done video powerpoint presentation without the expertise of Dale Eberwein. Accordingly, we have invited Dale to share an introduction to this sophisticated web creation product which he calls Flash Player Electronic Learning.

Flash Player Electronic Learning is a new and dynamic curricular intervention strategy that incorporates flash player into presentational methodology for the instruction of business, industry, and education. Addressing, either through software and/or strategies for inclusion the seven learning styles that are considered best practice in education, FPeLearning effectively disseminates core curricular content to students through a media-rich interactive player. After creation, courseware can be saved to be used in conjunction with classroom presentation methodologies. In essence, the instructor becomes the guide on the side and removes the sage on the stage, as lessons are presented through media, encouraging a social constructivist, pedagogical practice. The advantages of FPeLearning design are several and include: Curricular Integrity, as the content is recorded for classroom interfacing; Once created, can be used indefinitely or until basic knowledge of the subject changes to reflect modern ideology; Easily editable where, as content changes, edits can be delivered in 24 hours or less; Addresses the seven learning styles considered best practice in education; Incorporates instructor expertise, as content is delivered by the subject matter expert (teachers) themselves: And is easy to learn.

Dale H Eberwein MAED/CI-AE
Founder and CEO FPeLearning Systems
Doctoral Student EDD/ET (ABD)  


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